3 First-aid kit essentials and their maintenance


A first-aid kit is an absolute must have in every household. Here is how you can maintain it.

A first-aid kit is one of the most important safety enforcing tools to be stocked up at home. Since it comes in handy during times of emergencies, keeping it replenished with some essentials and maintaining it is the key to safe living.

1. For minor injuries – In case of minor injuries, the first-aid kit must have a cloth tape, scissors, sterile gauze pads, antiseptic wipes, antibiotic ointment, burn ointment, eye washing liquid, roller bandage and cleansing liquid. These items come in handy in further avoiding infection.

2. Medicines – Medicines for indigestion, painkillers, antacids, laxatives, cough syrup, nasal drops and extra supplies of prescribed dosages should be stored in the house at all times. Moreover, it is always safe to carry extra supplies of medicines in case of emergencies if your travel schedule is extended and the place you are traveling to does not have any stock of what you may need.

3. Additional items – Other items that you must keep with you are torch lights with new batteries, blankets, non- mercury thermometer, emergency phone numbers, including doctors and poison control, as well as the first-aid instruction manual.

4. Update first aid kit – It is not just essential to just have a first-aid kit, but also to maintain. Make sure that you keep checking the expiry dates of the medicines in the box and keep using the items in on a regular basis to avoid wastage.

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