Lung cancer targets poor people in the UK?


    Updated Trends: A recent report from the UK stated that lung cancer sufferers in the most deprived areas were more likely to die of the disease compared to those who live in other parts like Scotland. According to a report by the Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation, the people from deprived areas were almost twice likely to have lung cancer than someone living in the urban areas.


    The study also showed that once people living in the deprived areas got the disease, they are more likely to die of the disease than those living in the better areas of the United Kingdom. In Scotland, lung cancer is considered as the major cancer killer. On an average, 11 people die of the disease every day and in total more than 4,000 die in a year.

    On the other hand, reports have also shown the importance of the geographical significance estimated in a year’s survival. It was found in Fife that one in four lung cancer patients are alive for a year after being diagnosed with the disease.

    In Borders and Lothian, one in three people survive for at least a year after they are diagnosed. The NHS Border has the highest survival rate estimated in a year at 35.6%.