Ireland’s Prime Minister Brian Cowen Steps Down From His Post


Updated Trends: Ireland’s controversial Prime Minister Brian Cowen has finally stepped down from his post as a failed leader. Cowen made the statement “I have taken, on my own counsel, the decision to step down”, and this has shocked the entire country. The Prime Minister was found responsible in the country’s frail economy and its downfall, and that he was unable to bring it back on track.

Brian Cowen steps down

Reports say that he will continue to govern the nation until the general elections which will take place on the 11th of March. As he departed he made a final word by saying the election in March should on the basis of policy and not personality.

The PM had won a secret ballot election, but since then he has predicted his chances to win this election. Consistently the ratings in context to Cowen have been falling and the citizens of Ireland had taken to the streets to protest against him. He said, this decision taken by him, was after the took his family into consideration.

Source: BBC