Swine Flu claims 13 lives in Northern Ireland since November


Around 13 swine flu related deaths have been reported in Northern Ireland ever since November 2010, the Public Health Agency said. According to Dr. Carolyn Harper from the PHA,the ones who died ranged from children to 67 year old.


Recent reports state that 50 deaths have been reported from across the UK out of which 45 dies of swine flu. Dr. Harper also said that the figures have been released in public interest. She also assured that most of the people who contracted the virus had recovered.

“This is consistent with the pattern we have seen through the pandemic last year. This is an infection which particularly affects people with an underlying condition and there’s been no change to that pattern,” she said.

Dr Harper also disclosed that people between the age group of 15 to 44 were more prone to the virus. The doctor has also appealed people to take precautions by maintaining hygiene and staying at home in order to avoid infection.