Tehran Will Not Be Discussing About Nuclear Program At The Dialog


Updated Trends: Tehran Will Not Be Discussing About Nuclear Program At The Dialog

Tehran has made its terms clear that it will not be discussing any topic or subject related to their Nuclear Program at the dialog with the five members of the United Nations Security Council. Iran’s Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Ramin Mehmanparast stated that “Under no condition, Iran’s talks with the P5+1 will cover the country’s enrichment work”

Tehran Nuclear Talks

As long there is no agreement on the agenda of the coming dialog, he will refrain from speaking about his country’s enrichment program. He also added saying that Iran is trying to propose some good talks and both the sides should understand the framework on this subject.

Mr. Mehmanparast was very stern in his words, as many nations around the world are consistently objecting Iran’s Nuclear Program. On the other hand Iran has been saying that the whole program is for only peaceful and civilian purposes, and not for building war weapons. He also concluded by saying “If the complete independence of the two issues is not regarded, there will be obstacles in next talks.” Iran has been trying its best to convince the UN that the program is not for destroying humanity but to help make it survive.