Ways to take care of your skin while wearing masks

Wearing masks will hereafter become a lifestyle, but your skin has to be protected as well

face masks

Amidst the coronavirus pandemic, wearing face coverings or face masks is going to become a lifestyle here after. Even after the spread of the virus slows down, there would still be chances that people might contract the infection through various means. However, wearing masks could also mean increased risk of skin issues. Due to the constant friction of the mask on the skin, it could cause irritation or a skin rash. Even the moisture that comes from your own breath can lead to fungal infections. But there are a few precautions that can be taken amidst a time when you need to learn how to live with the virus around you.

1. Cleanse your face twice a day – It is wise to cleanse your face twice a day with cleansers like Cetaphil cleansing solution. As far as possible keep your face dry and away from moisture.

2. Do not wear make-up under the mask – Wearing make-up, blocks the pores of the skin and does not allow it to breathe. This could lead to conditions like acne.

3. Apply barrier cream – You can apply a barrier cream which is similar to the baby rash cream that is used for diaper rash in babies. This can be done when your skin is too sensitive.

4. Take breaks – You can also take breaks from the mask and go out to get some fresh air. This will allow your skin to breathe.

After coming back home, remove the mask and cleans your face with a good face wash. Apply some face moisturizer but avoid using anything that can be harsh on the skin. It is advisable to wash your face thrice a day. In the morning the first thing that you should do after cleansing is to use an alcohol-free toner. Always avoid to apply thick creams , oils or make-up on the face before you step out wearing mask. You can use a water-based moisturizing gel instead.

Photo Credits: Pixabay