5 Easy tips to set back broken New Year resolutions

These easy tips will help you to get back on track with the broken New Year resolutions

New Year resolution

It is just the second week of the beginning of the year and many people might already be struggling with maintaining their respective New Year resolutions. Some might be followed religiously but some might be faded away. However, you need not worry as you might want to get back to what you had started off with. Here are a few tips that can help you to get back to the track with just a little bit of effort.

1. Review your mistakes – Look in to the past and see where you have gone wrong and what was right. Think about the goals that you had set. See if the goals were too stretched or too much to begin with. Observe how long you were able to sustain it. And finally look in to what made you to give it up.

2. Go easy on your goals – You cannot make drastic changes in life all of a sudden. It is not always possible to set things right immediately. Make it easy for yourself by setting small goals. For instance, if you want to lose weight, then set a small goal of losing 5 kgs in two months.

3. Make sure the resolutions are not too stretched – Starting a new habit as a part of the New Year resolutions, or cutting back from things is not as easy as it looks. Do not cut yourself completely from a particular habit. For instance you want to give up smoking. Wean off yourself from the habit slowly and steadily with the help of medications, meditations and family support.

4. Don’t starve yourself – Even after trying hard, if you are not able to keep up with your resolution, that does not mean that the world is over. Learn to self counsel and see what you were able to achieve in that tenure.

5. Start again – Get up and begin again , if you have failed to keep up a good habit. Learn from the ants and spiders who keep building their house even after repeatedly being destroyed.

Photo Credits: Pixabay