Jupiter Will Be Nearest To Earth For The First Time In 50 Years


Updated Trends: Jupiter Will Be Nearest To Earth For The First Time In 50 Years

The largest planet in the solar system, Jupiter, will be at a point nearest to the earth for the first time in nearly 50 years. This event will begin to happen on the evening of Sept. 20th, where people can gaze into the sky and witness Jupiter, which is the largest planet in the solar system, to be closest to the earth, some 368 million miles away. The planet had appeared like this in the year 1963.

Jupiter Seen From Earth

As it has approached so close to earth, it will be visible in the evening sky as a bright celestial object, with moon only being brighter. One needs to search for a bright star like object in the low region of the eastern sky sometime around dusk, and the planet will be directly overhead at mid-night.

This will be a treat for the star gazers as the planet will also be visible along with Uranus, and it will look like an emerald colored disk in the sky. Uranus is the seventh planet in our solar system and is very hard to be visible with the naked eye. The planet will be remaining in this same position near earth for some more weeks, so viewers of the sky are not disheartened if there is a cloudy evening tonight. The next time Jupiter will approach closest to earth will be in the year 2022.