Joe Biden comes out strong on Harvey Weinstein facing sexual assault charges

Joe Biden

Former Vice President Joe Biden has joined the bandwagon in calling out American Film Producer and studio boss Harvey Weinstein who has over the past week been in the spotlight for sexual assault charges and sexual misconduct with many of his colleagues – now successful actresses and entertainment personalities like Gywneth Paltrow, Angelina Jolie and Kate Beckinsale among others. There are some assistants and executives in Weinstein Company who were reportedly asked to give him a massage when he was naked.

After the controversial post in The New York Times and The New Yorker covering in detail the stories of these women who have long been his victims, many celebs from the entertainment industry and political figures have called the disgraced director out, Biden being one of them.

He reportedly said at a fundraiser event in Manhattan for the nonprofit organization, Anti-Violence Project, “While we have made progress together, we know that violence and the abuse of power still persist today; we’ve recently seen that in stark relief in the disgusting conduct and behavior of a very powerful figure in Hollywood. A man who had power over scores of women and their careers. He abused that power in a disgusting and immoral way.” He further added, “It is long past time for the powerful men in Hollywood to speak up. To be strong enough to say something. Because silence is complicity.”

The politically active personality, Biden spoke about the incident on Wednesday, October 11, 2017 night where, while condemning the powerful producer, Weinstein, he also appreciated the courage of the women who have come upfront and spoken about the man, even if decades later.

He praised the “bravery of so many courageous women in Hollywood” against the Democratic donor.

Biden also reportedly spoke to many student activists against Donald Trump’s take on gender inequality and sexual harassment against women. He said, “Your government has let you down.”

The 47th US vice president has reportedly employed the only White House adviser to talk about violence against women. As a part of his campaign, It’s On Us, he spoke about sexual assault in universities at Rutgers University on October 12, 2017 and was quoted saying: “I am absolutely convinced we can change the culture. We must say in the strongest possible terms it won’t be tolerated.”

Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton and former US President Barack Obama and wife Michelle Obama have also condemned the mogul. While Clinton said, “I was shocked and appalled by the revelations about Harvey Weinstein,” Barack Obama was quoted saying, “Michelle and I have been disgusted by the recent reports about Harvey Weinstein.”

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