Rose McGowan blocked from Twitter post alleging Harvey Weinstein with rape charges

Rose McGowan

Rose Mc Gowan’s voice seems to have risen so strong in the Harvey Weinstein sex scandal that even her social media account could not handle the intensity and Twitter suspended her page on Wednesday, October 11, 2017.

After reporting rape by the American film producer and former film studio director on Twitter, with “HW raped me” tweet, Rose McGowan became a strong name in the list of many well-known actresses, assistants in Weinstein’s company and other female executives who were ‘preyed upon’ by the powerful movie magnate. Weinstein is currently in the spotlight for major sexual assault, harassment and misconduct charges against him by several women (some of them prominent figures in the entertainment industry)  who are all speaking up against him now.

However, Twitter placed a hold on McGowan’s account and she retorted on her Facebook and Instagram pages to tell the world about it: “TWITTER HAS SUSPENDED ME. THERE ARE POWERFUL FORCES AT WORK. BE MY VOICE. #ROSEARMY.” This was reportedly done because McGowan had not adhered to Twitter’s terms and conditions and hence was stopped from using the social media platform for twelve hours.


A post shared by Rose McGowan (@rosemcgowan) on

The Hollywood Reporter reports that Twitter finally unlocked McGowan’s account on Thursday, October 12, 2017 morning and was forced to lock it down as she had given out a private number that violated their private information rules.

The chief spokesperson from Twitter, Kristin Binns was further quoted saying, “We have been in touch with Ms. McGowan’s team. We want to explain that her account was temporarily locked because one of her tweets included a private phone number, which violates our Terms of Service. The tweet was removed, and her account has been unlocked.”

At present, not only the entire Hollywood, but even popular political figures are condemning and slamming Weinstein’s “disgusting” and “immoral” acts following reports in The New York Times and The New Yorker. But McGowan has gone a step ahead in excoriating not only Weinstein but also the co-founder of The Weinstein company, Bob Weinstein along with prominent actors like Ben Affleck among other such powerful male actors who, according to her, were very much aware of Weinstein’s wrongdoings. McGowan, in a series of tweets has been calling out on these popular male celebs, especially alleging Affleck to be a “liar” in a tweet.

After regaining her twitter account, McGowan lambasted the men in Hollywood for not speaking up against the studio director: “Men in Hollywood need to change ASAP. “Hollywood’s power is dying because society has changed and grown, and yet Hollywood male behavior has not.”

McGowan had also tweeted calling out on Amazon chief Jeff Bezos: “I told the head of your studio that HW raped me. Over and Over I said it. He said it hadn’t been proven. I said I was the proof.”

Meanwhile, the New York Police is investigating Weinstein’s assault charges even as McGowan has confirmed that the powerful producer was the perpetrator in her case and had even reached a settlement with her by offering her 1,00,000 dollars post a hotel meeting in 1997, as per Times’ reports.

While Gowan’s Twitter page was locked, she became the most trending topic for the entire Wednesday night and Thursday morning. Here are some tweets from celebs and other Tweeples who believed that Twitter’s rules and policies are interchangeable depending on who tweets.

McGowan showed her displeasure with Twitter after she was finally unblocked:

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