Stephen Hawking States That The Universe Was Created By The Big Bang And Not By God


Updated Trends: Stephen Hawking States That The Universe Was Created By The Big Bang And Not By God

Stephen Hawking, states that the universe that we live in was created by an event called the Big Bang and not by God. He said that physics is the reason that the universe and the earth was created and not by a God. He spoke through his new book that because there is something known as Gravity in the universe, it will keep creating itself on its own.

stephen hawking

In one of the quotes in his book he said that “It is not necessary to invoke God to light the blue touch paper and set the universe going”. These theories by Hawking is a direct challenge to the people’s religious beliefs.

Prior to this Hawking had accepted that there is an existence of God, he had written about it in 1988 in his book “A Brief History Of Time”. The book quoted “If we discover a complete theory, it would be the ultimate triumph of human reason — for then we should know the mind of God”. But in the conflict of science and God, God has always won the battle, and many scientists are not convinced on Hawking’s theory. It is now upto Hawking to tell the science world why is it that God is always the winner in the battle between science and religion, if he can come up with one, and he suggests that there is no God.