7 Of The Strangest Foods You Can Find In The USA

Photo Credits: http://weneedfun.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/Delicious-Food-Photos-19.jpg

America is home to many popular dishes that are enjoyed all over the world; however this great nation has some foods that strangers find unnerving. Here are 7 of the strangest foods you can find in the USA:

Brain sandwiches

brain Sandwich

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Indiana is home to this weird dish. Brain sandwiches were originally made from deep fried cow brains but more recently, the dish is made from pigs. The tradition of eating deep fried brain sandwiches is said to have originated from German and Dutch settlers who loathed seeing anything go to waste.

Alligator fritters

Alligator Fritters

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Alligator fritters is one of the weird American foods you are likely to find in many cafeterias especially in Louisiana and Florida. The dish makes scary alligators look like ordinary chicken, only it does not taste like your conventional chicken.

Bull Testicles

Bull testicles

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This is a delicacy commonly served in the western region of the US. The dish made from bull calf testicles and fondly known as Rocky Mountain Oysters is so popular that there is even an annual event dedicated to it. The Testy Festy is a day when people come out to taste and celebrate deep fried testicles.

Smoked bear

Bear meat

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Smoked bear is one of the foods that raises eyebrows among foreigners who travel to America. The dish made from black bear meat is high in protein and low in cholesterol.

Frito pie

This is a dish that is commonly served in the South and Southwest of the US. The dish consists of chili cheese fries and Fritos. This finger-licking pile of cheese, meat and salty goodness is a great meal to try when you visit the Land Of The Free.

Emu oil and meat

emu meat

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This is mainly oil and red meat derived from emu. It meat is high in protein and low in calories unlike most red meats. The oil is derived from a pad of fat in the back of the emu.

Turtle soup

turtle soup

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The dish consists of dark, thick soup made from Green turtles. Though it has ruffled feathers especially among animal rights activists, the cuisine is still popular in many parts of the United States.